Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What is unexplained loss of muscle mass?

Loss of muscle mass, known as muscle atrophy, can occur for various reasons. When the cause is unknown, it is termed unexplained muscle atrophy. This troubling condition warrants medical evaluation to determine the underlying reason.

Potential Causes - Certain medical conditions like cancer, kidney failure, liver disease, and heart failure can lead to muscle wasting. These should be ruled out. - Medications including corticosteroids, chemotherapy, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, and antivirals may cause muscle loss as a side effect. Review of prescriptions is prudent. - Poor nutrition resulting in protein, calorie, vitamin or mineral deficiency inhibits muscle maintenance and growth. Assessing dietary intake is key. - Sedentary lifestyle and immobilization from injury/illness fails to stimulate muscle through activity and can precipitate atrophy. Resuming normal movement may reverse this. - Rare neurologic and hormonal disorders can disrupt muscle metabolism resulting in rapid decline of mass.

Evaluation Diagnostic workup aims to pinpoint the etiology, including: - History and physical exam to characterize symptoms and timeline, rule out related conditions, identify malnutrition/inactivity, and examine muscles. - Blood tests to evaluate organ function, electrolytes, blood counts, nutrient levels like Vitamin D, and hormone imbalances. Examples are testosterone and growth hormone. - Imaging tests such as MRI for injuries and nerve issues affecting muscles. - Muscle biopsy for microscopic analysis in ambiguous cases.

Treatment Once underlying cause has been established, targeted treatment includes: - Treating related illnesses and adjusting medications if the culprit - Nutritional supplementation through diet, oral supplements or IV solutions - Gradually increasing physical activity with resistance exercises - Hormone replacement under medical guidance if deficiency is detected - Medications to stimulate muscle growth in certain cases - Physical therapy to improve muscle mechanics

Prognosis depends greatly on the pathology behind muscle wasting. Reversing long standing atrophy especially in seniors can prove challenging. Persistent efforts in collaboration with one's medical team are key.

When muscle loss seems abnormal, Hormone Harmony Clinic has specialists equipped to get to the root cause with cutting edge diagnostics. If hormonal imbalance is implicated, personalized hormone therapy optimized to your body’s needs helps regain vigor while targeted counseling and fitness guidance aim to restore strength holistically. Contact us today to halt unexplained muscle wasting in its tracks and rebuild your vitality.

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